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Robin Z


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The smart phone app Robin Z was developed at the Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry of the University of Zurich. The goal of the app is to support the adolescents in a targeted, timely and age-appropriate manner between their therapy sessions. An explanation of the psychological process, the symptoms and how to cope with them can be accessed as often as required and also at critical times by the user. The app can help users better assess their symptoms through a real-time symptom assessment, making their conditions controllable. The app offers support for everyday life (suggestions for activities, resource allocation) and provides a crisis intervention plan for emergencies. A reminder of medication to be taken also assists the users to take their prescribed medicine regularly and on time.


Since September 2017, Robin Z can be downloaded for free on the App-Store and Google Play. Currently, the app is available in German, French, Italian and English.


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Free App Robin Z available on the App Store and on Google Play!


University Hospital of Psychiatry Zurich
Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Psychotherapy
Neumunsterallee 3
CH-8032 Zurich


Dr. med. Maurizia Franscini
lic. phil. Nina Traber-Walker


Tel. + 41 43 499 26 26


Nina Traber-Walker
Maurizia Franscini

Scientific lead:
Susanne Walitza

Nino Zumstein, Andrea Cavalli

Grafics: Avatars: Mira Cavalli
Icon and symbols: Pascal Tresch

French: Estelle Barbary
Italian: Maurizia Franscini
English: Marlena Ong, Ry Tweedi-Cullen